Saturday, May 8, 2010

Summer Movies (not to topic related)

I know this has nothing to do with my topic, and I know I said in my previous post that I hate blogging(I do, kind of), I'm really hyped for this summer movie season. There is a couple of movies coming out that I may go see.(that means a lot coming from because I'm really too cheap to go to the movies)

However, there definitely one movie I am definitely going to see this summer.

It looks hilariously. Tom Cruise looks insanely funny in this movie, which shouldn't be much of a stretch because he is insane in real life. Still, he is an awesome actor if a bit crazy.

THE END. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

last post.(I'm sorry, I hate blogging, I mean I really hate it).

I love reality television. I love watching these shows. I'm mean seriously, these shows may call themselves reality TV, but these shows are the most fake things on television. They are obviously scripted from the beginning. The contestants on these shows may not realize it , but we the audience get that it is fake. That why I personally enjoy these shows. I watch people go on them expected to have some life changing event, when in all actuality, they are just being used to the benefit of the networks who make so much money off of their humiliation.

I like to read interviews and what not of former contestants from shows like America's Next Top Model, Project Runway and , America's Best Dance Crew, etc., and they all say the same things. They tell that how they thought going on these shows would get their name's out in the open and that it would open doors for them. In actuality, it does nothing at all for them. Most of those contestants say they wish they never wasted their time going on those shows. The former contestants tell you how the creators of the show(like Tyra Banks from America's Next Top Model) make millions on their shows, and all they do is go back to being non-famous irrelevant nobodies.

Mostly everybody would jump at the chance to be on TV if you felt it would help you accomplish your goals and dreams. And, as long as those people exist, I will always be in front of my TV watching them to be humiliated.

sorry, absolutely no sympathy for any of them.
HA! HA!HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ghost Hunters

I watched this show a couple times. Everything about this show is fake. You know how I know its fake. Everything happens off camera. Those guys are always like "Whoa, did you see that?" I would like to see it to except the camera is never looking at what they are looking at. Then at the end of each episode they go to their truck and put on the tape, and that when they show what supposedly happened.

I mean, if its happening at the moment, why can't we the audience see it at the same time they host's of the show are seeing it.

THATS BECAUSE ITS FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kendra, Girl Next Door

I'm kinda ashamed to admit that I watch this show. I am big Philadelphia Eagles fan, and I initially started watching this show because of Hank Baskett(ironically, who was cut from the team after the first season of this show aired, only to be resigned recently). Only thing I knew about Kendra was that she was one of Hugh Hefner's girlfriends(PUKE, PUKE, PUKE about ten million times more).

At first, I was thinking: HANK, ARE YOU HIGH? She has an 80 year old ex. and the IQ of a 12 year old!!!!!!!!
I mean seriously, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?

After watching the show, My opinion of Kendra has changed.She has been through a lot of hard experiences in her very short life(I was shocked to find out that I am older than Kendra). She had a hard time dealing with her parents divorcee when she was young, which when she became a teenage it lead to her being rebellious and out of control.

Now, Kendra is a business woman, devoted wife and loving mother. I guess all people have the capacity to change for the better. Watching her story has made me realize that just because you go through wild times in your life, that doesn't mean that you are not capable of doing good things with your life.

Video of Kendra

America's Next Top Model final five

We are now down to the final five girls on the show. They are now at the portion of the show were they travel overseas(this years' location was New Zealand) Every cycle has an episode were Tyra photographs the girls. For this photo-shoot, the girls where photographed in hard light. The girls had to push through a unique, high concept shoot.


She won first call out this week and I agree 100% that she deserved it. This picture is amazing. I could this in Vogue Magazine and Marie Claire. This photograph looks like it could have come from a vintage Vogue Magazine from the 70's. Krista has a very unique look. If you were to see her face from a straight on angle, you would think she is someone's skinny grandma, but because she has really sharp angles in her face, she photographs with a very intense profile.


Alexandra got the second call out picture. This pic of Alexandra is beautiful. She looks very beautiful and ethereal in this picture. Also, the composition and the backdrop of the environmental adds a lot to this picture. The hard light from the shadow adds a beautiful pattern to her skin. It almost looks as if the pattern so form as Aztec pattern. Great picture!!!


I didn't love or hate angelea photo this week. It seem like she is just there. It's almost of if she lyed down and died and someone standing over here took a picture. If I could say one good thing about this photo, she does look serene, or is if she is at peace. She got third call out this week.


I don't know what to think about this picture. In my opinion, it is interesting and a like the hard shadows across her face; however, it doesn't really look like fashion picture. It looks like a pissed off girl took a picture behind some shadows. She received the final call out of the week.


Unfortunately, Jessica was eliminated this week. I don't agree with here elimination. I actually think this picture belongs in the top three. Its a great profile and I love the way the hard shadows are hitting her face. If I could sum up this picture in two words, I would call it Visually Striking.

I should have know she would be eliminated regardless of how well she performed because Tyra and Company deemed her too commercial. In top model lingo, that means you have no chance in Hell of winning.

To sum up this photo shoot, I believe that this was definitely one of my favorites. When I was studying art, I took a photography class, and fell in love with it. One of are photography assignments, was to photograph anything you could find using hard light. It was definitely one of my favorite assignments because if you use your lighting and composition well, you can take some of the most interesting and visually striking photographs. Hopefully, I can get a new digital camera because mine is broke and I only have two film cameras.(Why has film died, I absolutely loved working with film)

I really miss photography.(making a sad face!!!!!!)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Blah! Blah! Blah! (no, not the Ke$ha song)

Man, I'm really run out of reality shows to blog about. Most of them have already finished, and I not desperate enough to watch the Real World(or anything on MTV to blog about it.

What to blog about. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

okay, I'll blog about the new DRAG QUEEN show called DragU. It is also hosted by drag queen Rupaul. The premise of this show is that contestants from Rupaul Dragrace season 1 and 2 take real, regular women and give them drag makeovers. Then the women compete in a contest to prove who is the fiercest of them all.

I'm really excited about this show(to bad I have to wait till July 30). I wish I was a contestant. (I want to be made into a fierce drag woman!!!!)

And the Winner of Rupaul Dragrace Season 2 is

TYRA SANCHEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the other Tyra.

This season was quite interesting. I didn't expect Tyra to win because he is a really young drag queen, (who has a really crazy obsession with Beyonce Knowles. YUCK!!!! and PUKE!!!!)  and because he was edited to be quite the butthead. In all honesty, I shouldn't have been surprised by Tyra's win because this is reality tv on steroids. I've come to learn that with drag queens, expect Bigger, Bolder, Crazier, and every other fabulous superlative you can think of.

Now, I have to wait to 2011 to get my fix of drag queen awesome-ness. Damn!!!!
I really love drag queens.

clip of final three
Raven, Jujubee, and Tyra Sanchez, the other Tyra

Tyra Sanchez